Enrolment & Transition Information

Nambrok-Denison Primary School is a community school with a strong sense of ownership and pride. It has a stong partnership between parents, students and staff.

Enrolment Requirements

Children who will reach the age of five years on or before 30th April may commence school in January of that year. An enrolment form may be obtained from the school office or downloaded here.

On first enrolment of a child, a Full Birth Certificate must be produced as proof of date of birth. An immunisation certificate, received from the Immunisation Register, is also required to be presented on enrolment. These certificates are available from Municipal Health Officers attached to local Councils.

For further information about immunisation go to:


Australian Childhood Immunisation Register website

Please make all enrolment enquiries through the School Office by phone on (03) 5149 2410.


Kinder to Foundation

Newly enrolled Prep students are invited to the school during fourth term in the year prior to their commencing school, as part of a transition-to-school program. Parents of new Prep children are invited by the school community to an information meeting over a morning tea. This is a wonderful opportunity for new parents to meet other parents at our school, and to learn about school life.

Schedule of Transition Events for Foundation Students

Grade 6 to Secondary School

The cluster school events form an important part of our Transition program. Over the years children from the rural schools develop close friendships with each other, which in turn builds the network of children that they know well when they transition to secondary school. Formal transition sessions occur with the individual Secondary Schools.

Items Required for School

School Uniform

Our school uniform items are available for purchase through JSM Embroidery Work Wear & Safety at 71-73 MacArthur Street Sale Vic 3850. Please note that students must wear correct school jumpers as part of their uniform.

Labelling of School Items

We request that all personal requisites and school uniform items be clearly marked with your child's name. This makes the process of returning lost property quick and easy and saves parents the cost of replacements.

School lunch Orders

School Lunch Orders are only available on Thursday’s, and ordered directly with Heyfield Pizza & Takeaway. You can download a list of items available and prices from the link below. Please ensure you follow the instructions and have your orders place by 9:30am on Thursday mornings.

Click here for a list of lunch order foods available and prices

Home Orders

A home order is where a student brings lunch from home that they would like heated up at school. Their food needs to be wrapped in aluminium foil and labelled with their name and class. Orders are collected and placed in the pie warmer and delivered back to them at lunch time. Home orders are available every day.

School Bus Program

A government provided school bus currently services students at our school. More information about bus route and times can be obtained at the office.

Resources to Support your Child's Learning at Home

Starting school is a big step and can be both challenging and exciting for both parents and children. You can make a difference by supporting what your child learns at school, by helping them to learn at home.

Literacy & Numeracy

The Victorian DET (Department of Education and Training) have produced a booklet called The 201 Literacy and Maths Tips which provides handy hints and ways you can help your child develop literacy and maths skills. It provides practical activities for you do with your child at home and questions you can ask your child to help them learn.

Click here to download 201 Literacy and Maths Tips

Parent Payments Policy

To read more information about our parent payments policy, please visit the Dept Education website page - https://www2.education.vic.gov.au/pal/parent-payment/policy