School Values, Student Wellbeing & Leadership

Students at Nambrok Denison Primary School are encouraged and supported to develop leadership skills.The school values of Respect, Enjoyment, Achievement and Learning provide a framework for students to act as positive citizens within the school community.

School Values & Student Wellbeing

Promoting a positive social/emotional environment is paramount with our involvement in the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support for Engagement and Learning (SWPBS-EL) and Kidsmatter initiatives as well as promoting our school values of Respect, Enjoy, Achieve and Learn.

Our School Chaplain is central to our school wellbeing team and supports all members of our school community as necessary. The Chaplain provides a community support and mentor role within our school and is available to meet with students and parents and helps run the Breakfast Club, facilitates Junior School Council and training the Peer Mediators, and takes the Year 5/6s to Wood Turning classes at the Nambrok-Wood Turners

Student Engagement

Our Student Engagement Policy outlines our school values and expected behaviours. A consistent response to undesirable behaviours, as well as acknowledgements and rewards for expected behaviours are outlined. The main thrust of the policy is the embedding of our school values of Respect, Enjoy, Achieve and Learn.

A copy of this document is available from the office.

Student Leadership

Junior School Council

Students at Nambrok Denison PS are represented by a peer- elected group of student leaders from Year 1 to Year 6 including the School Captains and Vice Captains. The elected student representatives meet once a fortnight to discuss issues that they feel are important at school. The School Chaplain is involved in facilitating Junior School Council and training the student Peer Mediators.

Other student leadership roles include Sport Captains and Esmart Captains who meet regularly and support the younger students across the school.

Grade 6 Leadership Conference

Grade 6 students have the opportunity to attend the GRIP Leadership Conference aimed at identifying the qualities that make a good leader and learning how they can act as leaders within their school community.