Our Curriculum
There is a focus on enhancing students' confidence in their ability to become independent learners who are confident and engaged in their own learning process.
Nambrok-Denison Primary School offers a comprehensive curriculum to all students across all grade levels based Victorian Curriculum F-10 which has been developed based on the National Curriculum but for the Victorian context.
You can find out more about the Victorian Curriculum F–10 by clicking here
Core Curriculum & Specialist Programs
The school is dedicated to high academic standards and committed to developing broad educational programs of the highest quality. The school emphasises the development of English, Mathematics and the integration of Information Technology throughout the curriculum, along with developing learning experiences in The Arts (including Visual Arts and Music specialist programs), Health & Physical Education through our Sporting Schools program, Humanities including History and Geography, Science and Technology.
The M.A.R.C. (Mobile Area Resource Centre) library, serving the district rural schools, is based at the Nambrok-Denison Primary School and each class has a weekly library lesson. The aim of these programs is to be purposeful, challenging and motivating, as well as ensuring that all students feel a sense of success and achievement. Our Integration and Intervention Programs cater for the needs of all students.
To actively support the core curriculum areas, students have the opportunity to participate in a range of Enrichment & Extracurricular Programs. See the Programs page for more information.
Teaching and learning takes place in well equipped, resouced and and maintained classrooms. See the School Environment & Facilities page for more information.

Professional Development for Teachers
To enhance teacher practice and subsequently optimise student learning outcomes we aim to provide opportunities for staff observation, coaching, feedback and reflection. Teachers observe each other teaching, and participate in a peer coaching conversations. All classroom teachers participate in a weekly Professional Learning Community where the focus is on analysing student data for evidence of student learning in Literacy or Numeracy, and making plans to drive the learning of all students forward.
Reporting to Parents
Teachers welcome interviews at any time throughout the year. Please contact your child’s teacher for a mutually convenient time.
Written reports are given twice a year, at the end of each semester.
Formal Parent/Teacher interviews take place twice a year as a follow up to the written reports. You can book your Parent/Teacher interview online through the School Interviews booking website.
To book your interviews, please go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and put in the code for the current round of parent/teacher interviews. The correct code will be provided by the school prior to the next round of interviews taking place.
NAPLAN (National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy)
Each May students in Years 3 & 5 participate in National NAPLAN testing in Language Conventions, Writing, Reading and Numeracy. Families of students involved in this receive a standardized report which provides additional information regarding student achievement.
Click here to go to the NAPLAN website for more information.